Custom Artwork
Every household possesses its own distinctiveness, much like the family that resides within its walls. Why not embellish your dwelling with a painting that is equally extraordinary? We take pleasure in providing personalized artworks that draw inspiration from various sources such as paintings, photographs, prints, or postcards. Simply share with us the source that fills your heart with joy, and we will transform it into a beautiful, unparalleled painting.
studio Designs
The artwork you choose for your home can speak volumes about your personality and values, even if unconsciously. It can make a bold statement, ignite conversations, or bring a sense of belonging to your space.
At Emerald Art Gallery, we specialize in creating custom paintings tailored to your preferences. Our talented artists, Rosa Chavez, Esmeralda Ruiz and Leon F Ruiz, are thrilled to paint skylines of your choice, using color palettes that perfectly complement your home. They also excel in modern abstract and minimalistic pieces, including triptychs, sets, mural-sized works, mixed media, and multi-canvas creations, all available upon request.

Photo reference
When it comes to photo references, many of our custom orders depict our clients on their honeymoons, portraits of their beloved pets, couples engaging in their favorite hobbies, or even paintings inspired by cherished memories of departed loved ones, as seen in the example of the man fishing in the painting above.
Painting Reference
We recognize that original artwork can sometimes feel out of reach. If you come across a painting in a gallery, museum, or even at a friend's house that catches your eye, simply provide us with the reference, and we will create a distinctive piece inspired by it. As demonstrated by the historical ship paintings shown above, Rosa and Leon transformed two 8"x10" reference paintings into two larger 36"x48" artworks, while also fulfilling our clients' request to incorporate an additional boat into the warm-toned piece.
Skyline References
Our artists possess incredible skills in capturing the beauty of skylines worldwide through their remarkable paintings and illustrations. If you don't have a suitable picture or the one you have doesn't meet your expectations, worry not! Simply send us an email specifying the city name you desire, and we will provide you with a selection of photographs depicting various angles of the skyline from that particular city. Allow us to handle the creative process on your behalf.